Dear BraTS Challenge Participant, We are excited to extend an invitation to you, to present your methodology during the RSNA-MICCAI BraTS 2021 Challenge **virtually** at MICCAI on September 27 (2-6 PM UTC). Notably, we have now finished the evaluation of all participating methods on this year's **validation data** and already reached out to these top-performing teams. However, top-performance in the validation phase does not necessarily mean top-performance in the **final testing dataset**. Having said that we invite all the participants to present their approach during a poster session. Access to the poster session and the oral session material will be available to all the participants registered for the MICCAI Satellite event 1 (Sep 27). Link for registration: Since the whole meeting this year is virtual, the poster session will be based on short pre-recorded videos of your work, instead of a static pdf. With that said, we would like you to: 1. Send us a **5-minute** recording of your talk, by 13 Sep, 2021 (23:59 Eastern). 2. Ensure that you are registered for the BrainLes session and send us the information listed below by 14 Sep, 2021. Please note that there will be **no deadline extensions** to these dates. **?POSTER? PRESENTATION VIDEO (Deadline: 13 Sep 2021 (23:59 Eastern)) ** For your ?poster? recording, you are expected to prepare slides for a **5-minute **recording, similar to an elevator pitch ( For the given duration of your presentation, we recommend having a maximum of **5-6 slides**. The recording should be in **.mp4** format and do not exceed **2GB** in file size. Please forward this to us using a link to cloud storage of your preference, such as dropbox, box, google drive, etc. Your presentation recording is expected to include the methodological description and results. Please do** NOT** include in your recording any description of the BraTS data, or the motivation for this work, as this will be common for all methods presented. You are also required to include your **email** on the first and last slides, enabling other participants to reach out for further discussion. The name of the recorded .mp4 file that you will share must be {PresenterName}_{PaperTitle}. Note that these ?poster? recordings will be available to all attendees of the workshop, on-demand and will not have any playback time during the actual live session on Sep 27 between 2-6 PM UTC. **REGISTRATION ** Importantly, please note that the speaker of your recording (or more specifically the person attending the session) MUST be registered for the **specific day (September 27 for BrainLes/BraTS)** of the MICCAI Satellite Events, by Sep. 14, through the official MICCAI registration portal. **Please inform us the email id of the registered member of your group **(and this should be the email used to register for MICCAI). Thank you once again for your participation in RSNA-ASNR-MICCAI BraTS 2021 Challenge. We look forward to receiving your recorded presentation. Do not hesitate to email **** with any questions/concerns you might have. Best wishes, Ujjwal Baid (on behalf of the BraTS 2021 organizing team)

Created by Ujjwal Baid ujjwalbaid
All the poster and oral presentations are pre-recorded. Participants can interact with each other if he/she has questions/queries. We have explicitly asked participants to include their email id in the presentations for further offline discussion if required.
Hi @ujjwalbaid et al, I have a query regarding the MICCAI satellite event 1(Sep 27). What will be the task of the participants at the event since the poster presentation will be based on the pre-recorded poster video only? Does it mean that we just need to be virtually present to interact with someone if he/she has questions/queries regarding the pre-recorded video?
Hi @yoonseokchoi, You need to register for MICCAI Satellite event 1 (Sep 27) for the BrainLes workshop.
Although I've already registered for MICCAI 2021 as a student MICCAI member who is available for MAIN CONFERENCE + CLINICCAI, do I have to register for satellite event again?
Hi @kondratevakate, Yes, the email ID that you would share should be strictly identical to the one registered at MICCAI. Please share details at Currently, we are in the process of reviewing the manuscript. For more details about the manuscript please reach out to with a paper ID.
@johannesroth, This is an optional opportunity to engage with the community at MICCAI.
> **Please inform us the email id of the registered member of your group (and this should be the email used to register for MICCAI).** Am I right: we should send out one person's email out of the team (from Synaps), and this email should be the one registered on MICCAI (strictly identical)? Where should we send it out - to >** file that you will share must be {PresenterName}_{PaperTitle}.** Send out to as well? **Conserning the manuscripts** 1. What if we have not received any review information so far, as well as the letter of acceptance? Either nothing about reviewing the other papers? 2. Paper status in Microsoft.CMT, for now, is "Not available," what does it mean? 3. Will we have camera-ready editing round after all, and will it happen after the test phase? thanks
Hi Ujjwal, is submission of a poster mandatory?

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