On CMT we are four authors and here I registered as individual which is not allowing me to submit results for evaluation and I am creating team which has all the members but again it is not allowing me to submit the results. It says submitter is not registered.

Created by Taurus
@Taurus , Unfortunately, we are no longer evaluating segmentation files, hence why you are not able to see its respective queue (**BraTS Challenge - Task 1 Segmentation**). **Eval Q** is a submission queue for another challenge. We are currently accepting Docker submissions at this time.
Thanks @vchung, but I want to submit to evaluate validation results and not docker. So rather than BraTS Challenge - Task 1 Docker Submissions I chose Eval Q test (next option) but it says submitter is not registered. And I am using same team Id which I gave for short paper submission.
Hi @Taurus , Are you still having trouble submitting to the **BraTS Challenge - Task 1 Docker Submissions** queue? You should use whichever team ID you gave when submitting the short paper, e.g. if you gave your user ID, then please submit as an individual; if you gave your team ID, then please submit as a team. I hope this helps!
So to evaluate validation results ,we need to register first?

Can't submit result for validation evaluation page is loading…