Dear Organizers, We have submitted the docker file (9715608) of our project, but the submission is invalid. The log file shows that 'stopping submission' on preprocessing stage, because of a time limit of 390s. The docker runs on my laptop were successful, and it takes little time. Could you please help us to find out the reason? Thanks

Created by ahng shuwei dfkasj
I think I have a similar issue. @vchung Can you please look into this? My docker image is executing perfectly on my machine. Hello younet, Your submission (id: 9715862) is invalid, below are the invalid reasons: No *.nii.gz files found; please check whether running the Docker container locally will result in a NIfTI file within the time constaint. Sincerely, Challenge Administrator
Dear @dfkasj , We are flagging your submission and will look into the confounding runtime. We will let you know!

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