Hi, I use shell command instead of R script. My container testing is successful but my submission is still invalid. My command is : sudo docker container run --gpus=all --name test --rm docker.synapse.org/syn26018648/workspace:version4/bin/bash -c "sh predict.sh" Could you please use this for testing command? Thanks you so much.

Created by Rui Xin Ryanxinrui
@pqdung , To better help, can you let me know what the ID is for the submission you are asking for more details on? I see a couple of invalid submissions and one scored submission.
Hi @vchung, My docker return as invalid submission, but it did not return what is the problem (I did not receive any log files). How to fix it?
@Ryanxinrui , I see, thank you for the detail. In that case, I recommend modifying your CMD line to something like this: ```dockerfile CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "sh predict.sh"] ``` That way, when the workflow starts your container, it will run `predict.sh` upon startup.
Dear organizer, I already add CMD line. My last Dockerfile line is: CMD ["bash"] Maybe there is something wrong in command. My command is a little different from the example, which is? sudo docker container run --gpus=all --name test --rm docker.synapse.org/syn26018648/workspace:version7 /bin/bash -c "sh predict.sh".
Hi @Ryanxinrui , We use an automated workflow to evaluate submissions and do not manually run the Docker commands. To ensure that your Docker submission can successfully run through our submission system, please add an ENTRYPOINT (or CMD) line to your Dockerfile (example [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25829067/wiki/611500) under "ENTRYPOINT"). Hope this helps!

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