Hi, I am getting the following error, does anyone else having such an issue " Your workflow job, (submission ID 9715659), has failed to complete. The message is: githubusercontent.com/Sage-Bionetworks/ChallengeWorkflowTemplates/v3.2/cwl/validate_docker.cwl is requesting 1074741824 bytes of disk, more than the maximum of 1038749696 bytes of disk that SingleMachineBatchSystem was configured with. Scale is set to 1. " The same container is running fine on the system having lower specs than the one specified by the synapse platform

Created by Kamlesh Pawar kamleshp
Hi all, We are working on solving this issue, Thank you
I am also running into this issue.
Hi, I just met the same issue. And my message is the same with yours. And I really have no idea what is the reason of it.

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