Hello I can not log using: docker login docker.synapse.org My synapse account is link to my google account. I try with my synapse username as well as my email address it does not work ? How to resolve to push my docker Best regards

Created by Alxaline
Thank you, @brucehoff , for the alternative solution.
@vchung and others: You do not need to have a password to use Synapse or Docker. Once you set up a Synapse account (e.g., with Google authentication) then you can create a [personal access token](https://www.synapse.org/#!PersonalAccessTokens:) and use that token to authenticate your Docker client to Synapse. (Give your personal access token View, Modify and Download permission.) More [here](https://help.synapse.org/docs/Synapse-Docker-Registry.2011037752.html#SynapseDockerRegistry-StoringDockerImagesintheSynapseDockerRegistry).
@Alxaline , To confirm, does the container not run successfully unless you specify those parameters? If so, I would suggest adding default values to your `argparse` arguments in your inference scripts, e.g. **Python** ```python parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-i", "--input_dir", type=str, default="/input") ``` **R** ```r option_list = list( make_option("--input", type="character", default="/input", metavar="character") ) ``` Alternatively, you could also pass the arguments from the ENTRYPOINT in your Dockerfile, e.g. ```Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT ["python", "/usr/local/bin/run_model.py", "--input", "/input"] ``` Hope this helps!
Hello @vchung, It works with forgot password, thanks ! One another question my docker is working with this command by adding ``` --input /input --output /output ``` , comparing to the example provided. Is-it ok ?: ``` docker run -it --rm --gpus device=0 --name your_container_name -v "/your/input/folder/":"/input" -v "/your/output/folder/":"/output" your_application_name --input /input --output /output ``` Best regards,
@Alxaline , Apologies for the mis-steps. If you click on **forgot password?**, you can create a new password that way.
Hello @vchung, To change password it ask for current password. I use my google password, it does not work.... blocked on the same situation ...
@Alxaline , @YLLAB , We apologize for the inconvenience. If you registered for a Synapse account using your Google credentials (therefore, not entering a password), you can create a new password by going to **Your Account** (bottom left on the navigation bar) > **Account Settings** > **Change Synapse Password**. Hope this helps!
I have a same problem!

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