Hi, we just want to ask if it's possible to submit more than one docker image. We just submitted and got the evaluation results. We found one minor bug that we forgot to change the final label from the network output (3) to 4 in the final label file. However, as this does not lead to any errors in evaluation, we cannot make a new submission. We just want to ask if it is possible to make another submission given that this is indeed a frustrating bug from the non-continuity of the labels. Thanks. (I bet we are probably not the only team that made this mistake ...)

Created by Xue Feng xf4j
Hi @xf4j, After discussing with the Challenge Organizers, we are allowing up to 2 total submissions to the **BraTS Challenge - Task 1 Docker Submissions** queue. The most recent submission will be considered the final one, that is, the more recent model submitted will be the one that will run against the final test data.

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