Hi, So the format for our final submission, you will mount those (/input/BraTS2021_ID_flair.nii.gz /input/BraTS2021_ID_t1.nii.gz /input/BraTS2021_ID_t1ce.nii.gz /input/BraTS2021_ID_t2.nii.gz) four files directly to the input folder and run the Docker for once, and then empty the input folder and mount four files for another ID and run the Docker again? So you won't mount many folders of different IDs each containing these four files, and run our Docker for only once to get all the output. Please help me confirm my understanding of the data format. If I misunderstood, please correct me. Thank you!

Created by ShuLab
Hi @ShuLab , Great question, I have sent a response [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25829067/discussion/threadId=8378&replyId=25847). Let me know if you need additional clarifications.

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