Hi, I tried to `push` my docker image to my synapse project, but it threw a `denied: requested access to the resource is denied` error. The brief sequence of steps I executed are as follows: 1. `docker login docker.synapse.org` (where I provide my credentials) 2. `docker push docker.synapse.org/syn26166600/brats21project:latest` I tried deleting the synapse project and creating a new one and creating docker images with different names, but nothing worked. I saw other threads that mention this issue and have tried their fixes to no avail. Probably the cause of this issue different in my case. For reference, I am using `Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df350`.

Created by Syed Talha Bukhari stalhabukhari
@vchung , The workaround worked. Thanks for your help! -Richard
@MrRichard , Apologies for the inconvenience. As highlighted [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25829067/discussion/threadId=8388&replyId=25848), once a Docker repository is removed, it actually gets moved into a trash bin and, therefore, will still exist within the Synapse database for some time. Items in the trash bin are not allowed modifications, hence your error. A workaround would be to use a new image name, e.g. **Old** ```sh docker build -t docker.synapse.org/{your project ID}/mrrichard-model:v1 ``` **New** ```sh docker build -t docker.synapse.org/{your project ID}/mrrichard-model2:v1 ``` Hope this helps!
Hello @vchung, I am running into the same issue, however I am a Certified User on Synapse. The error during `docker push` is: **denied: requested access to the resource is denied**. *However*, is probably my fault: I deleted previous docker repo (with the old tagged versions). Since that happened, I am unable to push a new version to the repo. Thanks, -Richard
@vchung It worked, I didn't taken the quiz before. Thank you so much!
Hi @stalhabukhari , Thank you for outlining your steps. Are you currently a Certified User on Synapse? You will only be able to push Docker images to the Synapse Docker Hub if you have [taken the quiz](https://www.synapse.org/#!Quiz:Certification) and passed. Let us know!
Cc: @vchung @ujjwalbaid

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