Hi, @BraTS2021ChallengeOrganizers Sorry for disturbing. I finished the registration and requested the data access in Sep. 8. I do not receive the mail of invitation until now. Is there any problem or the request have been not acceptable? Best Regards, Xiao Xue

Created by Xiao Xue 2160502105
Apologies, I'm running two challenge right now and obviously got very mixed up haha. I've sent you an invite to join the data access team. Once you accept that, you should be able to download the training data. Thank you, Tim
Hi, Tim @trberg Thanks for reply. The link may not related with "BraTS 2021" Best Regards, Xiao Xue
Hi @2160502105, I'm not seeing you show up as registered for the challenge in either Synapse or the N3C enclave. Have you followed all the steps on the [How to Participate](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25875374/wiki/611237) page? If so, can you email me (trberg@synapse.org) with more information? Things like what your first and last name in the N3C enclave are would be helpful. Thank you, Tim

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