Hi, I've received two inconsistent emails regarding submission 9716053; I first received this message: Your workflow job, (submission ID 9716053), has failed to complete. The message is: tance-5ytc33wg with ID kind-file_var_lib_docker_volumes_workflow_orchestrator_shared__data_d2886e9b-11ae-4794-8e7f-02a32fd766ba_brats-dream-challenge-infra-main_determine_queue.cwl/instance-5ytc33wg to 0 STDERR: 2021-09-18T03:15:52.360146676Z <========= But then some minutes later I have received the email with the scores (Your submission (id: 9716053) has been scored and below are the metric averages). Could you clarify what's going on? Thanks cc @Interion

Created by Gian Marco Conte giemmecci
Perfect! Thank you
@giemmecci , @Interion -- We were also made aware that the workflow stopped midway through submission 9716053, so I looked into the submission more. Because prediction files were generated (meaning that the model is valid and passes the time constraints), I went ahead and reran the submission for your team, thus explaining the second email received. Apologies for the confusion there. You can be rest assured, submission 9716053 is accepted in the submission system!

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