Hello, I'm trying to push my docker image, but at the very beginning I'm getting: denied: requested access to the resource is denied. Can someone look into this? Are there some constraints on how many docker push can one make? I pushed three images but I cannot see them in my docker tab. Thanks!

Created by mfnv
I believe we have fixed the problem, at least for now. Please let us know if it recurs.
Hello @mfnv , @tyhuang For full transparency, please follow https://sagebionetworks.jira.com/browse/PLFM-6936 for continuous updates on the issue. TLDR, We think it might be an issue with our registry sending a notification to our platform to inform us of creation of the image. Best, Tom
Looks like my problem is solved. Thanks!
Thanks for the update! Regarding "Do we know if the Docker image shows up on page refresh?", no, I don't see docker after refresh.
Hello @mfnv , Thanks for the logs. I have submitted a blocker ticket against our platform team: https://sagebionetworks.jira.com/browse/PLFM-6936. Hopefully this gets resolved soon - apologies for the inconveniences Best, Tom
Here is the log I have after docker push: ``` The push refers to repository [docker.synapse.org/syn26030446/unet] 07861273f089: Pushed 049dc4c482a2: Pushed afbb63890ee4: Pushed 68a60560ddc0: Pushed 3343e49560f4: Layer already exists 1c30d25f174d: Layer already exists 7e54d2739ebc: Layer already exists 1e6b89c0e32e: Layer already exists db35e7fcd053: Layer already exists 1333690e0bc9: Layer already exists 0027cc333a29: Layer already exists a6db114c45fe: Layer already exists bcc6cc604df1: Layer already exists 63fcfaa3ffa0: Layer already exists 08698b5e773b: Layer already exists 51310c3e6e23: Layer already exists baedaca6bff9: Layer already exists 0f7b61fa5a5e: Layer already exists 982f20170f56: Layer already exists 5a6f7cc6acb0: Layer already exists b4513de6118a: Layer already exists c5ad7bf5117e: Layer already exists ec47225f9ea7: Layer already exists 6ad51905abf0: Layer already exists 2d1fa6743bf3: Layer already exists ada5bcc3c4d3: Layer already exists acbf2ca10adc: Layer already exists ae1de3e5131e: Layer already exists d75bc1c014f3: Layer already exists edb7a88b663b: Layer already exists 9b0214bd6d2f: Layer already exists c82349415b95: Layer already exists 5417d67f276d: Layer already exists 92aa41c2b029: Layer already exists 0f55410715cb: Layer already exists 11d01f535ae5: Layer already exists 454adcfe53da: Layer already exists 87f807bad8cb: Layer already exists d9c26ffe1c13: Layer already exists 0a707fb87820: Layer already exists d627d760bedf: Layer already exists 4246ff7d9506: Layer already exists c91a87334476: Layer already exists 6223e500896d: Layer already exists 13e7314b4201: Layer already exists 103ab0c22213: Layer already exists 1a62730e0411: Layer already exists 93576ce8634c: Layer already exists 41db41c49a2e: Layer already exists 4938aec16cb1: Layer already exists 8a86dcb942a0: Layer already exists df45adac04fd: Layer already exists c4ac0de61e50: Layer already exists d9230c3208a1: Layer already exists e245110f4cd5: Layer already exists 897b016c57ca: Layer already exists 780a3582aff4: Layer already exists 7555a8182c42: Layer already exists latest: digest: sha256:17db733bc116af74a0eda060b7cfe9b3e4acb8c68cc070659e989d508861b29b size: 12519 ```
@thomas.yu I gave you download permissions. I still don't see my docker images.
Hi, how do I modify the download permission on the system ? ===== update: I can see my image now. It could take some time to see the image on the web interface.
Hello @tyhuang and @mfnv , I just pushed a docker image to my test project and was able to see the newly uploaded image. Could you provide my user (thomas.yu) download permissions to your projects so I can take a look? Furthermore, can you paste the `docker push` logs here? Best, Tom
Hi, I have the same problem here. This is the link for my image: docker.synapse.org/syn26007686/tom_model10
I have just pushed: `docker.synapse.org/syn26030446/unet` or `docker.synapse.org/syn26030446/nnunet` before and I don't see any. I pushed image few days ago and it worked fine.
Hello @mfnv May I ask what your image name is? An example is something like this: `docker.synapse.org/syn123456/myimagename:tag` Best, Tom
Looks like renaming the image solved this problem. However, I'm still not seeing pushed container in my docker tab. I'm using 20.10.8, build 3967b7d docker version, which should be the latest one.

Docker not visible after push page is loading…