Hello MILAB, Your submission (id: 9716262) is invalid, below are the invalid reasons: No *.nii.gz files found; please check whether running the Docker container locally will result in a NIfTI file within the time constraint. Sincerely, Challenge Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got this email..... and this text in my log file Warnings: ========= Time limit of 390s reached for case 00001 - stopping submission...

Created by yoonseokchoi
@yoonseokchoi , I locally ran submission 9716369 on a machine with the same specs as the submission system, and was not able to get results in a timely matter. I did, however, saw that you were able to get a scored submission! This is probably coming too late, but there is only one GPU on the instance, so you may use device=0 in your code (if that is still needed).
@vchung Again same error... When I tested on my local computer, only 3min 16 sec took per case even I used cpu... I have no idea why this problem happened again and again..... This is an email I've got........................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello MILAB, Your submission (id: 9716369) is invalid, below are the invalid reasons: No *.nii.gz files found; please check whether running the Docker container locally will result in a NIfTI file within the time constaint. Sincerely, Challenge Administrator
Hi @yoonseokchoi , As the log file suggests, the submitted model was taking longer than the time allowed (4 minutes + 2.5 minutes buffer time), so the workflow stopped running the submission. This resulted in no NIfTI file generated. About a month ago, an email was sent out with details regarding this phase: > When you submit your docker image, we will run them against 3-5 cases from the validation data to make sure your containers run, then we will run them against the unseen test set. Your submissions will have a time limit of 4 minutes per case (About 26 hours total). Hope this helps clarify things!

No *.nii.gz files found; please check whether running the Docker container locally will result in a NIfTI file within the time constaint. page is loading…