I have been registered and push the docker successfully,but I can't submit docker,it shows submitter is not registered for the challenge.

Created by duo BAN bigmushi
Hi @WWTWW , I do not currently see you among the list of participants who are able to submit to the BraTS Challenge queues. To get that access, please fill out the [data access request form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfW8IBio7vuLLphjXxaJzoenqs2WS6o43rrgD5uzzY4AQjqA/viewform) and you will receive a confirmation email once your account is validated.
When I want to submit, there is no tab for BraTS Challenge, only Q Test, so how do I evaluate my segmentation file now,
Hi @bigmushi , The queues for the BraTS Challenge are currently closed, so you may have been trying to submit to another challenge (was the queue name, Eval Q Test)? This could explain the error you had received.

Submitter is not registered for the challenge page is loading…