why can't I have access to the data

Created by hfutchenyuyu
@trberg I can download the dataset. Thank you very much!
@trberg hello, I have registered for the challenge. And I resubmitted the form. Could you help me to check it again? Thank you very much.
Hi @chenyanmei, Can you make sure you've hit the registration button? https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25829067/wiki/611497 It doesn't look like you're on that registered team so I don't think our scripts will add you to the data access team. Thank you, @trberg
Dear @vchung : I have submitted the form for the BraTS 2021 dataset several times, but I have not received the email back. Could you help me to check my email? My email address is 20204228030@stu.suda.edu.cn. Thank you very much.
@vchung ,Thank you for your help. I can download the data now.
@mask - Apologies for that! I just checked and it looks like you have already accepted the invitation to join the BraTS Challenge Participants team -- I see your username as one of the members. Are you able to access the [training and validation data](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25829067/files/)? Let me know.
@vchung ,I want to download the validation data.I have submitted the form many times ,but I have not received any reply .can you help me?
Hi @midhunr2013, It looks like you were added to the data access team. Can you download the [training and validation data](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25829067/files/)? Let me know if you still have issues, @trberg
I didn't get data access please help me
Dear @vchung and @trberg, Thank you very much for your help. I can download the training data now. I really appreciate your help and I will refer to the BraTS datasets in our research. Huiyu
Hi @CerryLee, I've resent the invitation to the data access team. Let me know if you don't receive that email. Thank you, @trberg
@CerryLee , Based on the email you received, an invite to join the BraTS 2021 Challenge Participants team should have been sent. Can you try checking your spam folder? Perhaps it got filtered there by accident!
Dear @vchung, Thank you very much for your help! There is no invitation to join a team. I have created a new team named Cerry, and I can see in my profile that seemed I have joined three teams. By this link, you can see the teams in my profile. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ENP-3RzZQL1b1lykeccniLk_MDoBw9rt/view?usp=sharing If I havn't join any team, could you tell me how to join a team? I waiting for your information, and really appreciate your help!
@CerryLee , Just to confirm, did you accept the invitation to join the Participants team? I currently do not see your username as one of its members. In the meantime, I have also asked @trberg with your data access.
Dear @vchung, I cannot get access to the data until now. They always asked me to complete the data access request form again. I need your help. Thank you!
Hi @vchung, Thanks for the help. Yes, I could finally download the datasets.
Hi @black.swan , Apologies for the inconvenience! I currently see your username (black.swan) as one of the members for the Participants team, so you should be able to [download the files](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25829067/files/). Can you try one more time and let me know if you are still not able to download the files? I will submit a ticket to our IT team if so.
Dear @vchung , I received this email and click the link in this email, but I cannot get access to the data. They asked me to complete the data access request form again. I need your help. Thank you ! "Hello CerryLee, An invitation to join the data access synapse team (BraTS 2021 Challenge Participants) has been sent, please accept and join. Once you join, you'll be able to download the BraTS 2021 Challenge training dataset here. Thank you! Challenge Administrator"
Hi! I faced the same issue. I tried several times, filling the google forms to get the data access, and even I received an email (attached below) but still can't download the training/validation datasets! Could you please help me with this? " Hello black.swan, An invitation to join the data access synapse team (BraTS 2021 Challenge Participants) has been sent, please accept and join. Once you join, you'll be able to download the BraTS 2021 Challenge training datset here.Thank you! Challenge Administrator "
@CerryLee , Apologies for the inconvenience. There seems to have been an error in the Google form you submitted. Under Synapse username, please enter your Synapse username ("CerryLee") rather than your email. That should work! Let me know if not.
Dear @vchung, Instead of getting an invitation email, I got this email. Then, I register with the challenge first and submit a new google form again under the instruction. but I haven't got any response until now. lihuiyu23@gmail.com is my email. Could you help me to get the validation? Thank you very much for your help. Hello Cerry, You have not first registered with the BraTS Challenge prior to filling out the google form. Please register with the challenge first and then submit the google form again. Thank you! Challenge Administrator
@CerryLee , @sineagles - I just checked our script that validates the data registration and I believe an invitation has been sent to the both of you now. Please let me know if not.
I have applied for accessing the validation data of BraTS 2021 Challenge. But I do not get the approval of the data access. My email is sineagles@gmail.com. Thanks.
Dear @vchung , lihuiyu23@gmail.com. Thank you very much for your help.
Dear @CerryLee , Apologies for the inconvenience. Can you let me know which email you are using to gain access?
I cannot get the approval of the data access.
Dear @hfutchenyuyu , We apologize for the delayed response. Are you still experiencing issues with data access?

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