If you are having problems or difficulties joining the N3C organization, please file your issues with the [N3C Jira support desk](https://n3c-help.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2). We will not be able to offer support in this Synapse discussion forum for N3C specific issues. Thank you, Pediatric COVID-19 Data Challenge Organizers

Created by Timothy Bergquist trberg
Hi @hadleytangalliance, It can take up to a few days. You should have your workspace provisioned later this week. Thank you, Tim
@trberg Sorry to bother you again, I know y'all aren't supporting N3C issues, but just as a sanity check- how long does it typically take for a workspace to be provisioned? (assuming that's what's happening in the Reviewed and Pending Workspace Access stage?)
Hi @hadleytangalliance, Perfect, I see your request and have accepted it. It will now be reviewed by the Data Access Committee. Thank you, @trberg
Hi @trberg, Thanks for the quick response! I think I've gotten my request successfully submitted, but it's my first time using N3C, so just to confirm I've attached a screenshot of what I see currently in Workshop -> My Data Use Requests \![screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/bVuD9pK.png)
Hi @hadleytangalliance, Have you submitted a request to join the N3C project space? By October 26th is an inclusive deadline, so if you can get your N3C request in today, you join the challenge. Thank you, Tim
Hi @trberg, First of all, many thanks for all of the efforts that you've put into this challenge. Unfortunately, I've only just learned of this today, so I was wondering if "by October 26th" was an inclusive deadline?
Hi @trberg , Yes, we are still being delayed. Because we are in Australia, they need to whitelist individual IP addresses for us to be able to get access. I have provided IPs about 48 hours ago, and they are "working on it", so it should not be long now. Hopefully we can get it sorted before the deadline of October 26th, midnight PST. Dimitri
Hi @dperrin, Are you still having issues getting into the enclave? Tim
Hi, I know that you are not providing support here, but I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same problem we have. Our DUA has been executed, and I have received the "N3C Data Enclave Access Granted" notification email. When I go to https://covid.cd2h.org/enclave and click on Returning Users, the browser tries to reach unite.nih.gov, but fails with a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error. I have tried on Chrome, Safari and Firefox, so this does not seem to be a browser-specific issue. My team members have also tried, and get the same error. Has anyone had the same issue and found a way around it? I have raised a request with the Support Desk, but it has been 10 days and it is not progressing, so I thought I would see if anyone here has had similar problems.
@trberg I already have my N3C account, created and registered a team in the Challenge (Synapse) and received the approval of my DUR from N3C NIH. However my workspace has not been generated. How long does this take? Thanks, Abraham
@trberg, I am sorry I totally missed that. I have now created and registered a team. Thank you.
Hi @AshwinSawant, Can you [complete step 3](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25875374/wiki/611237) in the instructions? You need to be on a team that is registered with the challenge. Once you complete that I can approve your request. Thank you, Tim
Hello @trberg , I am trying to access the N3C space as well, which is 'Pending lead investigator approval'. I also tried clicking the 'https://unite.nih.gov/workspace/compass/view/ri.compass.main.folder.1b4de0f1-d813-406e-816e-bfcb7f9e4466' link, but it did not help. Thank you, Ashwin.
Yes, I now have access. Thank you for fixing this. Christophe
Hi Christophe, Are you able to access this folder? https://unite.nih.gov/workspace/compass/view/ri.compass.main.folder.1b4de0f1-d813-406e-816e-bfcb7f9e4466
Hi @trberg, Nothing has changed. All the things I described above happen in the same way. I also have not heard from N3C support. Thank you, Christophe
Hi @christophe.lambert, The data should be live now and you should be able to import the data into your workbook. There were some permission issues we've been working through. Let me know if you are still not able to import the data. Thank you, Tim
Hi @trberg, I have N3C enclave access (have had it for months now). My DUR request was approved, and I even received a link from N3C@nih.gov on September 14th saying: "Congratulations on receiving access to N3C; your Workspace in the Enclave has been successfully provisioned. The link to access your Workspace is here: [they give a link]. " When I click on this link while I am logged into the Enclave, it says, "This folder is private. You must have access to view or edit it". I clicked on the button "Request access", but I still don't have access. I can see the "Pediatric Severity Prediction Challenge" project in the enclave by following the link from my approved DUR, but in my project workspace when I hover over the data resource it says, "Unable to load the resource for this Resource ID". Is the data not yet live, or should I see it in my project? This is my experience as of 11:30 pm EDT on September 15th. I went to the N3C support desk, and submitted my issue, and got an auto-email saying "Hello! We have received your request and will contact you within 3 business days if we need more information." Is that the turnaround time we can expect for technical support? Has anyone succeeded in gaining access?
Hi @hamedcan, We've received your request and are currently creating your work space in that project. We'll let you know if we need additional information. Thank you, @trberg
Hello, Last week, I requested to join the project on the N3C enclave. Still, I see "Pending Lead Investigator Approval". Does anybody know how much does it take to be approved for accessing the project?

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