By external data you mean only using EHR from the enclave, but can we use external knowledge databases?

Created by Pablo Meyer jeriscience
Hi @JMele, You can find a description of the available datasets on the N3C webpage [here]( @jeriscience, I didn't mention this in my response to you, but if there is a dataset that is not available but that you think would be helpful, there is a mechanism to request external datasets be ingested into the enclave. More information is on that page. Thank you, @trberg
Hi @trberg , Thank you for your reply about the external datasets. Does there exists a complete list of external datasets that will be available within the N3C enclave? I am having a hard time accessing information as my team is still waiting on the DUA and other logistical items. In the meantime, any additional information about these external datasets is very much appreciated! Thank you!
Hi @jeriscience, We meant that you can't use data that is external to the N3C enclave. There are "external" datasets available at that are not EHR data (i.e. Social Determinants of Health). Thank you, @trberg

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