Hi, Is there a way to look at few samples of the data to see what are we looking at? Thanks, Eila

Created by eilalan
For task 1, is the test set only providing initial outpatient visit information, or it also provides a time-series after the initial visit? If it is the former, how does it distinguish consecutive visits on the same date or dates recorded immediately after first visit, (i.e. including all consecutive visits, or just the first line appeared on that day is counted?) thanks
Hi @eilalan, I can't share any data that is in the N3C enclave, however, the data follows the OMOP Common Data Model, which is a highly adopted data model. There are [synthetic OMOP CDM datasets](https://redivis.com/Demo/datasets/1709) available for download as well as [ample documentation](https://ohdsi.github.io/CommonDataModel/cdm531.html) on the format of the data. N3C also has a [cohort dashboard](https://covid.cd2h.org/dashboard/) that gives high level aggregate statistics for the data available in the enclave. On that same dashboard, you'll find `Publications` which are manuscripts that report analyses using the N3C data which will give you more details on the nature of the dataset. Hope this helps! @trberg

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