Has anyone heard anything about the results of the challenge? I'm guessing that since I haven't heard anything that my team didn't place, but I would love to compare our methodology and results to other teams.

Created by Steven Erly Serly
@trberg I was able to log in and open my model, but all of the nodes now say "insufficient permissions" when I try to view them. As @brandonjernigan asked, how do we see the results of our prediction efforts? Also, I understood that there was a plan for a publication, with the opportunity for those of us who contributed to be co-authors. Is that going to happen, and if so, how do we get involved? Thanks, Christophe
Hi, I see that our folders are released now. Will those teams that didn't place be able to see their scoring? Thanks for all your effort putting this challenge together, it was a blast!
Great! Thank you for the update!
Hi @Serly , We are still in the process of finalizing the winners and honorable mentions for this challenge. We will be sending out an announcement as soon as we have the finalized results. Thank you for your patience, @trberg

Are the results of the challenge available anywhere? page is loading…