Werling Cell reports 2021 (Pubmed ID 32268104)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.03.053
year: 2021
study: BrainVar
title: Whole-Genome and RNA Sequencing Reveal Variation and Transcriptomic Coordination in the Developing Human Prefrontal Cortex.
grants: R01MH110928
authors: Werling DM, Pochareddy S, Choi J, An J, Sheppard B, Peng M, Li Z, Dastmalchi C, Santpere G, Sousa AMM, Tebbenkamp ATN, Kaur N, Gulden FO, Breen MS, Liang L, Gilson MC, Zhao X, Dong S, Klei L, Cicek AE, Buxbaum JD, Adle-Biassette H, Thomas J, Aldinger KA, O'Day DR, Glass IA, Zaitlen , Talkowski ME, Roeder K, State MW, Devlin B, Sanders SJ, Sestan N
journal: Cell reports
abstract: Gene expression levels vary across developmental stage, cell type, and region in the brain. Genomic variants also contribute to the variation in expression, and some neuropsychiatric disorder loci may exert their effects through this mechanism. To investigate these relationships, we present BrainVar, a unique resource of paired whole-genome and bulk tissue RNA sequencing from the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of 176 individuals across prenatal and postnatal development. Here we identify common
pubmedId: 32268104
entity_name: Werling Cell reports 2021 (Pubmed ID 32268104)

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