Hu Nature communications 2021 (Pubmed ID 34172755)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-24243-0
year: 2021
study: EpiMap EpiDiff 3Dchromatin EpiGABA
title: Neuronal and glial 3D chromatin architecture informs the cellular etiology of brain disorders.
grants: U01MH103392 R01MH094714 U01MH103339 R01MH110927 R01MH110920
authors: Hu B, Won H, Mah W, Park RB, Kassim B, Spiess K, Kozlenkov A, Crowley CA, Pochareddy S, Li Y, Dracheva S, Sestan N, Akbarian S, Geschwind DH
journal: Nature communications
abstract: Cellular heterogeneity in the human brain obscures the identification of robust cellular regulatory networks, which is necessary to understand the function of non-coding elements and the impact of non-coding genetic variation. Here we integrate genome-wide chromosome conformation data from purified neurons and glia with transcriptomic and enhancer profiles, to characterize the gene regulatory landscape of two major cell classes in the human brain. We then leverage cell-type-specific regulatory l
pubmedId: 34172755
entity_name: Hu Nature communications 2021 (Pubmed ID 34172755)

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