Dear @PretermBirthVaginalMicrobiomeParticipants , The submission deadline for both tasks have been extended to **Friday, September 16th** (23:59 Pacific Time)! Writeup submissions will also be shifted, and are now due Friday, September 23rd. Feel free to reply to this thread for any questions and/or clarifications that you may have. We look forward to your submissions! Best, @PretermBirthVaginalMicrobiomeOrganizers EDIT: updated the deadline time

Created by Verena Chung vchung
Hi @mavenhyun , Apologies for the confusion - the extension deadline is **Friday, Sept 16th**. Note that all key dates listed under "Timeline" on the [main page](!Synapse:syn26133770/wiki/612541) are up-to-date; you can refer to that section whenever needed. Thank you for pointing this out!
Dear Preterm Birth Challenge Participants, We would first like to that thank everyone for their active participation in the Challenge. We anticipate that your work will have an impact in the field of predicting preterm birth from the vaginal microbiome. There are a few important announcements that we would like to share. **1) Due to outreach from the community, we have decided to extend the deadline of the Challenge to Sept 19, 2022.** So... which one is the real deadline? Is it September 19th? or Septmber 16th? I do appreciate the strenuous effort made by the organizers and understand the complications involved in this challenge but please bear in mind that such confusion may cause frustration among the participants.

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