Hi team! I have a small clarification question regarding the writeup submission, as described below: "You must submit the writeup as the user or team you were on when you submitted the final submission; otherwise, the writeup WILL NOT BE LINKED to the final submission, thus disqualifying you and/or the team from becoming a consortium-level author(s)." My understanding is that the final submission = the version with the best score within all submitted models by the deadline; Does it mean that we should submit the writeup after the deadline? Or should we not submit any other model versions after we've submitted the write-up? Thank you!

Created by Zijing Wang ZZZJW
Hello, As you point out, the best submission will be counted as your final submission. We have provided teams 1 week following the Sept 16 model submission deadline to submit their write-ups. The idea is that you can focus on the model building for the Sept 16 deadline, then you will know the best model performance and you will have 1 week to finish your method write-up to be submitted no later than Sept 23 according to the documentation under How to Participate, [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn26133770/wiki/618029). I hope that is clear. Cheers, Jim
Hello @ZZZJW , The deadline for write-ups is Fri, September 23, 2022 , a week after the deadline for submissions (Fri, September 16, 2022). So your write-up can be submitted after the submission deadline. Tomiko on behalf of the 'Preterm Birth Prediction - Microbiome DREAM Challenge' team

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