Dear Organizers, Now that the submission deadline has passed, is it possible to have access to the evaluation dataset and scripts so we can evaluate our other models for the write-up? Thanks, Alireza

Created by Alireza Fotuhi Siahpirani a.fotuhi
Alireza, please not that the method write up is exactly that. We are asking for a write up of your model that is equivalent to what you would put in a methods section of a paper. You do not need to do any additional evaluation or benchmarking. If you are interested in writing up your methodology for publication independent of the overview manuscript, you are welcome to pursue that, but there are some restrictions outlined in the rules section of the challenge wiki. Please reach out to the challenge organizers if you have further questions. You are welcome to reach out to me directly, Cheers, Jim
Hi @a.fotuhi , The evaluation dataset should be made available upon publication by the challenge organizers of an overview paper on the results from the Vaginal Microbiome of Preterm Birth DREAM Challenge. For detailed information about the Challenge Conditions for Use of the Challenge data, please see!Synapse:syn26133770/wiki/618022 Tomiko on behalf of the 'Preterm Birth Prediction - Microbiome DREAM Challenge' team

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