I worked hard on getting the image uploaded, and was happy with it. I do not speak unix and have no clue how to decipher the log files....

Created by David Colon dlcolon1713
Hi @dlcolon1713 I had a chance to take a look at the error for the updated docker image, it still shows the same dplyr error. There should be an install `dplyr` line in the dockerfile along the lines of this example: https://github.com/Sage-Bionetworks-Challenges/ptb-challenge-r-sample-model/blob/main/Dockerfile. The docker image would need to be built and pushed again to update the changes.
Hi @dlcolon1713 , looking at the submission logs for id 9726582 is see: ``` Error in library(dplyr) : there is no package called 'dplyr' Execution halted ``` Can you check that your dockerfile includes the installation of `dplyr`? Let us know if this doesn't solve the issue. Best, Jake
Hi, If you made a submission before the deadline and the problem is debugging the code then we will work with you to get the submission working as long as the underlying model is the same. Someone from Sage will reach out to you. Kind regards, Jim

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