Dear @PretermBirthVaginalMicrobiomeParticipants , Thank you all for efforts and active participation in the Preterm Birth Prediction - Microbiome DREAM Challenge! You've all done amazing work. The last step is to document your submission by completing a writeup. Your writeup must also include the Docker image(s) you've submitted to the Task 1 and/or Task 2 queues. Only one writeup is needed per team. This is a friendly reminder that in order to be considered for byline authorship and/or top-performer, **your writeup must be submitted to the Preterm Birth Microbiome Final Write-Up queue by tomorrow, 9/23, at 23:59 Pacific Time**. No exceptions! For more information on how to submit your writeup, follow the tutorial [here](!Synapse:syn26133770/wiki/618029). For any other questions, feel free to reply to this thread or create a new post. Best, @PretermBirthVaginalMicrobiomeOrganizers

Created by Verena Chung vchung
Thank you very much for the feedback. I appreciate it
Dear @Tingili , We're sorry to hear the Docker requirement for the challenge introduced an extra burden and caused some frustrations for the participants. Docker allows us to ensure that model submissions are captured in a language-agnostic and reproducible form, but we appreciate that it adds complexity to the submission process. To better balance the benefits of Docker submissions with the needs of participants from all backgrounds, we are currently looking into ways of improving challenge onboarding, such as with detailed examples and tutorials. Your feedback is important for us to work on making challenge participation as easy as possible, thank you!
I used R where my docker was able to run locally, but all my submissions were invalid and I gave up. I don?t know if I should submit a write up since all my submissions were invalid. I feel sad that I missed this opportunity after working very hard. I have participated in the Dream Challenge since 2015, and I was on a Nature Biotechnology , and Nature Method Journals. The Docker system of submission works very well for participants who use Python. But it is very challenging for those of us who use R because some packages are not easy to install using docker. In addition, submission through docker system is discouraging people who don?t have strong computer background, especially molecular biologists, microbiologists, biologists, and geneticists to participate in the Dream challenges.

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