Rajarajan Science (New York N.Y.) 2019 (Pubmed ID 30545851)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1126/science.aat4311
year: 2019
study: iPSC-HiC Capstone Collection
title: Neuron-specific signatures in the chromosomal connectome associated with schizophrenia risk.
grants: U01MH103392 R01MH106056 F30MH113330 U01MH103340 P50MH106934 UO1MH103339 U01MH103346 R21MH103877 U01MH103392 U01MH103392 U01MH103365 R01MH094714 U01MH103339
authors: Rajarajan P, Borrman T, Liao W, Schrode N, Flaherty E, Casiño C, Powell S, Yashaswini C, LaMarca EA, Kassim B, Javidfar B, Espeso-Gil S, Li A, Won H, Geschwind DH, Ho S, MacDonald M, Hoffman GE, Roussos P, Zhang B, Hahn C, Weng Z, Brennand KJ, Akbarian S
journal: Science (New York N.Y.)
abstract: To explore the developmental reorganization of the three-dimensional genome of the brain in the context of neuropsychiatric disease, we monitored chromosomal conformations in differentiating neural progenitor cells. Neuronal and glial differentiation was associated with widespread developmental remodeling of the chromosomal contact map and included interactions anchored in common variant sequences that confer heritable risk for schizophrenia. We describe cell type-specific chromosomal connectome
pubmedId: 30545851
entity_name: Rajarajan Science (New York N.Y.) 2019 (Pubmed ID 30545851)

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