Ahanger Nature neuroscience 2021 (Pubmed ID 34239128)


Created By Kelsey Montgomery kelsey

DOI: 10.1038/s41593-021-00879-5
year: 2021
study: NeuREs
title: Distinct nuclear compartment-associated genome architecture in the developing mammalian brain.
grants: U01MH116438
authors: Ahanger SH, Delgado RN, Gil E, Cole MA, Zhao J, Hong SJ, Kriegstein AR, Nowakowski TJ, Pollen AA, Lim DA
journal: Nature neuroscience
abstract: Nuclear compartments are thought to play a role in three-dimensional genome organization and gene expression. In mammalian brain, the architecture and dynamics of nuclear compartment-associated genome organization is not known. In this study, we developed Genome Organization using CUT and RUN Technology (GO-CaRT) to map genomic interactions with two nuclear compartments-the nuclear lamina and nuclear speckles-from different regions of the developing mouse, macaque and human brain. Lamina-associa
pubmedId: 34239128
entity_name: Ahanger Nature neuroscience 2021 (Pubmed ID 34239128)

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