Dear organizers, I would like to know when can I submit test results, and the number of submissions, is it possible to submit and return the results every day? Thanks Sen

Created by sen Yang yangsenwxy
More info has just been published.
Thanks a lot, so how many times can we submit in total? , take the highest score in these times? Thanks Sen
We really would like to keep the testing blind to participants, so that there is no chance of overfitting. Therefore, we will limit the number of submissions possible to accommodate for errors and corrections and will not give feedback on the accuracy until the deadline.
Dear , So how many times can I submit in total, it is the highest result among all the results in the end?Will I not be able to see the score until the end of the challenge? So I think the organizer should clearly explain the test rules, how to evaluate, you can submit multiple times a day, and finally calculate the final winner Thanks Sen
You can find the submission queues here:!Synapse:syn26480664/challenge/
Dear Sen, the submission queues are open for Task 1 and Task 2. You can submit your test results, but they will not be scored on a daily basis to prevent overfitting to the test set. Please use the validation set to fine tune your method. Stay tuned for updates. Cheers,

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