Dear participants, we have exciting news about the BRIGHT Challenge. 1. The number of registered participants is above 100, so the competition will be interesting for everyone. 2. There will be proceedings of the challenge, containing 4-pages papers of the best submissions (up to 10) published SIMULTANEOUSLY with ISBI Proceedings on a separate volume on IEEEXplore 3. Every participant (or team) must submit a 4 pages paper, in ISBI format that describes their submission. Including: 1. Related work. 2. A methods section containing a list of methods that were evaluated/tried by participants and detailed description of the selected method that was finally submitted to the challenge. 3. A results section with in detail description of the experimental evaluation on the validation set, and ablation studies if they exist. 4. A discussion of those results. 4. The papers from the best submissions will be reviewed to make sure that they meet the quality standards of ISBI. After the review, authors will have time to address the comments of the reviewers. Review will be focused on clarity, depth and appropriateness of the description of the submissions. Novelty of the methods is not a criterion. If the camera ready version of the paper doesn?t meet the quality standard after the review, it will not be published. 5. All the papers describing methods that are not published (because of quality or because they are not in the top performance) will be linked on the leaderboard. After the review process, we will ask participants to upload them to arxiv. To avoid overfitting to the test set, every participant is allowed a maximum of THREE SUBMISSIONS to the challenge before the deadline. Feedback will be given if the results are not correctly formatted or similar, but no information about accuracy will be given. The leaderboard will be published right after this deadline (allowing time to run the evaluation) IMPORTANT DATES: 28th of February: SUBMISSION DEADLINE of results AND PAPER. 21st of March: RESPONSE FROM REVIEWERS. 3rd of April: CAMERA READY VERSION.

Created by Antonio Foncubierta Rodriguez afoncubiertar
Stay tuned, we will announce it soon. We are having some delays to make sure we synchronize with ISBI Challenges. For the time being, make sure you submit your prediction files here on Synapse, for Tasks 1 and or 2, under the Challenge tab. Make sure you give BRIGHT challenge organizers read access to your submissions.
Dear , Where do I submit the article describing the method, I just submitted one, is it correct, have you received it? Thanks Sen

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