Hello, Thank you for your publicly available data in the Synapse database syn26642505.. I'm trying to access the radiology volumes in .nii format. They seem to have an unsigned char (or unit16) datatype, hence the intensity values range from 0 to 65535.I tried to modify the data type with the code you posted, but I ran into the following problem:  The 'CT, mha' written in the code is for files in mha format. For files in nii format, should I directly modify them to 'CT, nii', or should I modify files in nii format to mha files before running the code How about modifying the data type? Attached is the nii file I got after running the code with 'CT, nii'. After opening it with ITK-SNAP or MITK, it still doesn't have the correct effect. How can I do it? I sincerely hope that you can answer my question. As a beginner on the road of scientific research, I am lucky to encounter your data.

Created by Dawn Deng Glorious

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