The depth values stored in EXR files range with the R channel containing values from approximately 0.001 to 0.10. How can I interpret these values' metric distance (mm or cm)? @pazagra

Created by Alwyn Mathew alwynmathew
Excuse me,how long after you sent the email did you receive the dataset?
Depth images are directly recorded from unity which exports them in some convoluted format. In order to get metric units, please refer to the example code. By doing that you should get depth images in dm (1 dm = 0.1 m). ``` void LoadDepthImage(const std::string& im_path, cv::Mat &im) { im = cv::imread(im_path, cv::IMREAD_ANYCOLOR | cv::IMREAD_ANYDEPTH); cv::Mat channels[3]; cv::split(im,channels); im = channels[2]; const float far_ = 4.f; const float near_ = 0.01f; float x = 1.f - far_ / near_; float y = far_ / near_; float z = x / far_; float w = y / far_; im = 1.f / (z * (1 - im) + w); } ```

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