Dear @scRNAseqandscATACseqDataAnalysisDREAMChallengeParticipants: As a reminder, this challenge does not provide training data for model building or testing your model locally, instead please use publicly available datasets and/or those available to your institution(s) for this purpose. [NeurIPS 2021 Challenge - Multimodal Single-Cell Data Integration]( is a good resource to be considered for both tasks. Here is how to find the data for each task: - For SC1 task (scRNA-seq), the _"h5ad"_ data can be found in this [GEO page]( You can follow the [instruction](!Synapse:syn50877099) to convert _"h5ad"_ data to _"csv"_, or you could also download a small portion of count matrix we processed by only taking 3000 cells and genes. In addition to the NeurIPS Challenge, the Seurat PMBC 3k dataset can be downloaded [here](!Synapse:syn48025824). - For SC2 Task (scATAC-seq), multiple bam files${reference?inlineWidget=true&text=Luecken1%2C M%2E%2C Burkhardt%2C D%2E%2C Cannoodt%2C R%2E et al%2E A sandbox for prediction and integration of DNA%2C RNA%2C and protein data in single cells%2E Thirty%2Dfifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track %28Round 2%29 %282021%29} (i.e. "site3_donor06_multiome_atac.possorted_genome_bam.bam") generated to support the NeurIPS 2021 can be found in [this page]( Please feel free to run [example models]( using above resources to preview what input/output formats are (also mentioned in [Submission Tutorial (Docker) > Input/output files wiki page](!Synapse:syn26720920/wiki/620141)), or test your models locally. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to use the Discussion forum to ask them. Best of luck, @scRNAseqandscATACseqDataAnalysisDREAMChallengeOrganizers

Created by Rongrong Chai rchai

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