Hi All, @scRNAseqandscATACseqDataAnalysisDREAMChallengeParticipants , @scRNAseqandscATACseqDataAnalysisDREAMChallengePreregistrants A reminder that office hours will be held today! Come join us today, Jan 19 5PM ET/ 2PM PT to have your questions answered. We will be sharing a recording of the meeting on the challenge page afterwards. Meeting information below: Topic: Office Hours: scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq Data Analysis DREAM Challenge Time: Jan 19, 2023 17:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86123902795?pwd=bkgvQzQzRk9OSkEzdXo5ZDV4RnMwUT09 Meeting ID: 861 2390 2795 Passcode: 374825

Created by Jake Albrecht albrecht
Looks like the link was mangled while pasting: [try this one](https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/lxEjVoHj2havws6A4Ar5wxAOX1jRQN17sKUdRhm6bHbUR91ric8G4FPcnXDrPu7n._Di-AoSwG-_VWYtl) Passcode: ##md89t+
"This recording does not exist. (3,301)"
ICYMI, here is the link to the recording: [https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/lxEjVoHj2havws6A4Ar5wxAOX1jRQN17sKUdRhm6bHbUR91ric8G4FPcnXDrPu7n._Di-AoSwG-_VWYtl](https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/lxEjVoHj2havws6A4Ar5wxAOX1jRQN17sKUdRhm6bHbUR91ric8G4FPcnXDrPu7n._Di-AoSwG-_VWYtl) Passcode: ##md89t+ _edited to fix broken link_
cc @scRNAseqandscATACseqDataAnalysisDREAMChallengeParticipants and @scRNAseqandscATACseqDataAnalysisDREAMChallengePreregistrants A reminder that office hours will be held today! Come join us today, Jan 19 5PM ET/ 2PM PT to have your questions answered. We will be sharing a recording of the meeting on the challenge page afterwards. Meeting information below: Topic: Office Hours: scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq Data Analysis DREAM Challenge Time: Jan 19, 2023 17:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86123902795?pwd=bkgvQzQzRk9OSkEzdXo5ZDV4RnMwUT09 Meeting ID: 861 2390 2795 Passcode: 374825

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