Dear @scRNAseqandscATACseqDataAnalysisDREAMChallengeParticipants, The scoring scripts for this challenge can be found [here]( and the link is also added in the ["Tasks"](!Synapse:syn26720920/wiki/620122) wiki page.

As a reminder: Scores will be returned for each valid submission during the Leaderboard Round (ends 2/1 at 23:59 PST). We encourage you to use this opportunity to evaluate your model?s performance in preparation for the Final Round (begins 2/2).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to use the Discussion forum to ask them. Best of luck, @scRNAseqandscATACseqDataAnalysisDREAMChallengeOrganizers

Created by Rongrong Chai rchai
Hi @chentsaimin, Thanks for the question. The data for Task 1 is downsampled by two different methods (reads vs cells), which are described in the [Data > Task 1: scRNA-seq > Data preparation for challenge testing and validation](!Synapse:syn26720920/wiki/620137) wiki page. For cell-downsampled case, due to the imbalance cell numbers between imputed and ground truth data, the _pseduobulk_ approach is used to aggregate the counts to gene level. Hope it helps. Thank you.
@rchai Thanks for your notifications. I found that the evaluation metric for two different downsampling methods, i.e. by cells and by reads, is conditioned in the "metrics.R" script as below: ``` if (pseudobulk) { true_rs <- rowSums(true) pred_rs <- rowSums(pred) rmse <- sqrt(mean((true_rs - pred_rs)**2)) if (n_na_genes > 0) rmse <- c(rmse, rep(1, n_na_genes)) if (n_na_cells > 0) rmse <- rmse / (1 - n_na_cells / total_cells) nrmse <- rmse / (max(true_rs) - min(true_rs)) } else { rmse <- sqrt(rowMeans((true - pred)**2)) if (n_na_genes > 0) rmse <- c(rmse, rep(1, n_na_genes)) if (n_na_cells > 0) rmse <- rmse / (1 - n_na_cells / total_cells) range_rr <- matrixStats::rowMaxs(true) - matrixStats::rowMins(true) nrmse <- rmse / range_rr } ``` They don't look the same for scoring. It looks like that one is not just a "mse of a value" but a "mse of a sum of values." I would like to know the reason why you separated them. Sincerely yours, Tsai-Min

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