Hi @scRNAseqandscATACseqDataAnalysisDREAMChallengeParticipants , @scRNAseqandscATACseqDataAnalysisDREAMChallengePreregistrants , The Challenge Organizers would like to hold another office hours before the close of the leaderboard phase. Please join us again at 5-5:30pm ET (2-2:30pm PT) Thursday Jan 26 with any questions you may have! The information is below: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87197312179?pwd=SldWWTE2TEtKcDdDcFdYbEhqWWRJQT09 Meeting ID: 871 9731 2179 Passcode: 674836

Created by Jake Albrecht albrecht

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