Dear @scRNAseqandscATACseqDataAnalysisDREAMChallengeParticipants, This is a friendly reminder that --today-- tomorrow is the last day to submit and evaluate your models for **the Leaderboard Round** (ends 2/1 at 23:59 Pacific Time). We will start accepting the submissions for **the Final Round** (on 2/1 at midnight). Another reminder with more details about **the Final Round** will be sent. Thank you all for efforts and active participation in the scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq Data Analysis DREAM Challenge. We look forward to your submissions! Please feel free to reply to this thread or create a new post if you have any questions. Best, @scRNAseqandscATACseqDataAnalysisDREAMChallengeOrganizers

Created by Rongrong Chai rchai
> Feb 1 at 23:59 Pacific Time is the deadline of the Leaderboard Round.

Reminder: Leaderboard Round Closing Soon page is loading…