grant: U24AG051129 Authors: methods: syn26969657 program: ELITE project: LG species: Human studyKey: ADAMTS7 studyName: The Characterization of gene associations with aging-related traits with a genetically-predicted transcriptome-wide association study (ADAMTS7) studyType: Individual studyWiki: syn26969078 accessReqs: syn27229419/wiki/621276 ackContext: syn27229419/wiki/622005 consortium: ELITE dataStatus: Available isFeatured: false isReleased: true studyFocus: Longevity contributor: dataTypeAll: Gene Expression Analysis metadataType: study resourceType: metadata specimenType: Blood isModelSystem: false studyAbstract: This study provides analyses of candidate genes and the association of Longevity-Associated Variants (LAVs) with aging-related traits and diseases. studyMetadata: syn27229419/wiki/623142 acknowledgment: syn27229419/wiki/621600 relatedStudies: syn26066886 syn26720399 syn53404403 dataContributor: University of California San Francisco studyDescription: syn26969078 syn28073188 syn26969657 syn56859785