Hi, Do you still accept validation submissions for evaluation (for study purpose)? I can't enter my project page to get the 'File Tools' button. Thanks.

Created by Ri Liu rl4508
Hi @rl4508 , Yes, we are still accepting segmentation files for evaluation. To submit your segmentations, go to your Synapse project then click on the **Files** tab. If you haven't yet, upload your tarball/zipped archive of predictions by clicking on the upload icon. After, click on the tarball/zip, and there you will find the **File Tools** button. Hope this helps!
I just click 'Projects' on the sidebar -> 'All' -> 'BraTS 2021 Challenge', then it was redirected to https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25829067/wiki/610863. Is that correct?

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