Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my curiosity about whether you plan to extend access to new participants. I found the challenge to be an enriching learning opportunity. Furthermore, I was hoping to inquire whether it is permissible to utilize the provided data for personal research endeavors. In this regard, I have already submitted a data access form to the organizers of the challenge, but have yet to receive a response. I would greatly appreciate any information or insight you could provide on these matters. Thank you for your assistance, and I eagerly anticipate your response. Thanks in advance !

Created by Shakil Shuvo shakil_1703007
Dear @shakil_1703007 , Sorry about that! An email invite has been sent to the email registered with your Synapse account. Once you join the BraTS Participants team, you will be able to access the BraTS training and validation data [here](!Synapse:syn27046444/files/). You are welcome to use or refer to the BraTS datasets in your own research, provided that you always cite the flagship manuscript as well some additional manuscripts. Please see [Conditions for Use](!Synapse:syn27046444/wiki/616992) for more details. EDIT: typo fix

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