I have realized that I can't submit my tarball of the predictions on the validation set anymore (due to BraTs 2023's comming), but I still have to complete my research paper about it. Is there any way that I can evaluate the results now? Thanks!

Created by Guangkai Wu april211
@MX.qfg - @april211 is correct - BraTS 2023 is not yet open for submissions. However, if you are an existing BraTS '21 or '22 participant, you may continue to submit your segmentations to the "BraTS Continuous Evaluation - Segmentation Files" queue until it closes permanently on June 11th. Hope this helps!
I've found that I can submit my tarball to BraTsCE (this challenge) now. I really appreciate the efforts of the organizers! Thanks!
I think the organizer hasn't opened that (BraTs 2023) validation queue. (6.15?) By the way, I still can't submit my validation results to BraTsCE project. I guess they are still working on it? I still can't find this project when I try to submit my tarball.
I have registered for BraTS 2023 and joined the BraTS 2023 Data Access team, but when I upload the file and submit it to the challenge it does not find the 2023 challenge. What should I do? Thanks!
Thank you so much for your help! I appreciate it!
@april211 , Thank you for your continued interest in the continuous evaluation! The challenge organizers have agreed to re-open the queue for evaluation against the validation set until June 10th. After that, you must be registered for [BraTS 2023](syn51156910) if you would like to continue submitting your segmentations. (Note that in BraTS 2023, the label value for ET will be '3', NOT '4').

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