How can I get access to the Brats 2021 training and validation dataset? I saw the google form for the request but was unsure if that is correct since the websites have been changed around.

Created by Anonymous Participant anon_participant
@anon_participant , Both training and validation have been released for BraTS-GLI.
Thanks! And just to be clear, the validation data has not been released yet, correct? Is it possible to get it from 2021's challenge?
@daniel.najarian , The BraTS '21 dataset can be found at the [BraTS 2023 challenge site](syn51156910) under the folder name, BraTS-GLI. You will need to register for BraTS 2023 and request data access there. Note that the data is the exact same between BraTS-GLI and BraTS 2021, **with one major change**: enhancing tumors (ET) are labeled with '3', not '4'. Hope this helps!

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