Hi, Will we have access to the validation segmentation masks in the future? Best regards, Joćo Guerreiro :)

Created by Joćo Guerreiro Joao_Guerreiro
Hi @Joao_Guerreiro, You can always evaluate the performance of the model on validation data by submitting segmentation files to Synapse's online evaluation platform.
Hi @ujjwalbaid :) So we will never be able to evaluate the performance of the models without splitting the training data? Or will a testing split be released? I'm asking this because I would like to compare the predicted masks with the ground truth ones side by side. Also I'm willing to write a paper and this will help in terms of qualitative results. Thank you in advance, Joćo Guerreiro :)
Hi, The segmentation labels for the validation dataset will never be shared with the participants.

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