Dear all, I submitted the pdf of the short paper of my team, but two questions arise: ? how can we find the copyright form ? (the link I found does not work) ? After having uploaded the pdf file, I see in *red* : Submission File Not Uploaded Supplementary File Not Uploaded Does someone know how to solve these issues ? Best regards, Nicolas

Created by Nicolas BOUTRY NicolasBoutry
Hi @NicolasBoutry, On CMT submission system following question was available. 3. Copyright form If accepted, do you agree to upload the signed copyright form at the time of final camera-ready submission? (Organizers will share this form after acceptance) Yes At this moment we do not need copyright form from the participants. Also, we have received your submission. I found this one, but it doesn't seem to have the same format as the competition needs
+1 please provide working link for the copyright form

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