Dear Participants, Thank you for your interest in joining our FINRISK - Heart Failure and Microbiome DREAM challenge. We are very excited to see you and share the details of our challenge on the webinar: Date: Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 Time: 17:00 (GMT+ 2) Where: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 624 7996 3090 Passcode: 082825 Join by SIP 62479963090@ 62479963090@ Join by H.323 Meeting ID: 624 7996 3090 Passcode: 082825 We hope to see you there and have a fruitful discussion. Best regards, FINRISK DREAM Challenge Organizers

Created by Pande Putu Erawijantari pande
Hi @arnavkgarg, This challenge can be participated as individuals or teams. This document explain about [how to create a team]( You can read the rules of dream participation in [DREAM Challenge rules](!Synapse:syn10144147/wiki/448310). In general, there is no particular age restrictions in participating, but please carefully read this point: "c. Minors (individuals under the age of 18 and the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence) can participate but by doing so represent and warrant that their parent or legal guardian has read and agreed to these Official Rules and any other terms related to the Challenge." Best regards, Pande
Hi, I was wondering if this challenge is for individuals or if teams may also register by creating a Synapse account for the team. Also, are there any age restrictions on who may participate. Specifically, are high school students allowed to compete in this challenge? Thank you!
Hi, We edit the permission so the participant can download. Please let us know if you still encounter problem.
Hi, I'm trying to watch the webinar video available [here](!Synapse:syn38950195). I couldn't open the file in browser. And it seems download permissions are limited.
Thank you for joining our webinar today. Please find the information we shared today here:!Synapse:syn27130803/wiki/619529. Good luck on the challenge.

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