Hello, I am sorry for asking this again but I wanted to know if the submissions are being processed in general. Because I wonder if the problem is caused by my submission because its still on the received status. And its been so long since I submitted my submission and I couldn't make any progress because I do not have the scores. I know there was a technical issue but I assume that it should have been fixed by now. And I am afraid that even for the new deadline, my chances of getting a good score for the final submission is decreasing day by day. Again, I am so sorry but I just wanted to know because of the reasons I mentioned above. Thank you. Best regards.

Created by Merve Satar mervesatar
Dear @mervesatar, We are checking the security protocols in the cluster system that the privacy of the FINRISK participants will be protected during our submission run. We expect it will be done this week and we will process submissions hopefully next week and come back to you. We will make sure that we all have enough time to process submissions and we may consider extending it if necessary. I will send the results to all of you asap. Thank you so much for your understanding. ece

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