Dear organizers, We just upload our first submission (id:9729604), but we received an error when import ``` taxtable.csv``` file. We are wondering if it was a problem only with path or if in real data taxtable is not available for us. Because our image works propertly when is run in local. Thanks in advance.

Created by Jose Liņares-Blanco jlinaresb
Now it works! Thanks @vchung
@jlinaresb , Thank you for the notification! The leaderboard is now available for public viewership.
Hi @vchung, We just received our scores. But when we go to the Leaderbord, the following message appears: **Sorry, you do not have sufficient privileges for access. You lack READ access to the requested entity.** Can you help me? Thanks again
Hi @jlinaresb , Apologies for the confusion! The Submission Dashboard is only meant for monitoring your submission statuses. Scores are available in the leaderboard [here](!Synapse:syn27130803/wiki/619288).
Hi @jlinaresb , We are very sorry for this issue. In the meantime, I sent you a separate e-mail for the score detail. Hi @vchung , can you help us with this issue? Thank you, Best regards, Pande
Hi again @pande , regarding my last post, I still not able to access our submission scores (C-Index and Hosmer p-value). We have now ready to submmit two additional models, but we would like to know the performance in the first submission before submmit a new model. As I mentioned, in my Submission Dashboard, only I can see the status of my submission (SCORED). Sorry for the inconvenience, Best regards
Hi @pande, good news if you were finally able to run our first submission. Thanks for all the work. We just saw the updated status of the submission in our Submission Dashboard. Unfortunately, we can only see the submission status. All other columns are empty. We don't know if it is a bug, if we have to wait more time for the web to update, or if we have to check the result somewhere else. Best regards.
Hi, Thank you for notifying us, it is indeed from our side that we did not include the `taxtable.csv` in real dataset. We have updated your submission status into SCORED and you can see the score in your dashboard. We are sorry again for this. Best regards, Pande

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