Hello organizers! Thank you for all the hard work. I'd want to ask about our submission ID '9730495' from DenverFINRISKHacky (dated 1/9). It appears on the Submission Phase -leaderboard; However, all the metrics used are marked with the symbol '-'., and there are no numeric values visible. What is the interpretation for this; is the script still running, was there an error, or...? We haven't received any emails regarding the submission (that I'd be aware of). The Singularity run for said container worked fine on the provided synthetic data. Thanks! Daniel

Created by Teemu Daniel Laajala Syksy
For me the scores appeared after an hour or so, so I guess it just takes time. Thanks!
Dear organizers, I am having the same issue. My last submission appears in the leaderboard but the metrics do not appear. Thanks, Tristan
Dear @Syksy, Thank you for reaching out! I -rechecked the [Submission Phase Leaderboard](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn27130803/wiki/619288) and am able to see your submission along with its scores. Can you check again to see if the update is reflected on your end? Otherwise, we are happy to copy-paste your scores in this thread in the meantime.

Submission scored, but scores not visible on submission board page is loading…