Dear organizers, After uploading the write-up we had to modify it. We have doubts if the update is automatic when we re-upload it. Anyway, could you confirm the correct reception of it? We have no ID associated with this submission. Thanks in advance.

Created by Jose Liņares-Blanco jlinaresb
@jlinaresb , Your writeup has been received - thank you for your prompt actions!
And now?
Hi, It seems you submitted the wrong one. We received the .sif file instead of Write-Up.
Hi @pande, I have just submitted the write-up again. Let me know if now is all ok! Best, Jose
Hi @jlinaresb , Yes, we received your write-up submission just fine 2 days ago. However, today when we compiled the score and write-up, it was disappeared. Can you try to re-upload it again? Just to be clear, we only allow this for participants who already submitted their submissions before the deadline. We will not accept any new submissions. Best regards, Pande
Hi @pande and @vchung , Two days ago we received an email scoring our submission and accepting our write-up (id: 9731637). Today we receieed an email from @vchung telling us that our write-up is currently not accessible to the public or to the organizing team. Also @pande sent us another email warning us that our write-up was disappearing from our dashboard. I have checked in our project, and the write-up has public access. We have also tried to submit another write-up, but the following message appears: "The date indicated is outside the allowed time range for submissions. " Please let us know how to upload it. Regards
Yes! It seems correct! Thanks @vchung
Hi @jlinaresb , Great question! The last edit I see for your write-up wiki is **01/24/2023 3:14 AM** - does that seem correct?

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