###Welcome to the ELITE Portal - Discussion Forum! This is the easiest way to contact us if you have any questions related to the ELITE Portal and the data found there. To ask a question, simply create a **New Thread** and type in your question. We recommend a few best practices so that we can respond to your question more efficiently: 1. Please indicate the [Synapse ID](https://help.eliteportal.org/help/glossary#Glossary-SynapseID) (synID) of any file(s) you reference. This lets us triage your question to the right person faster. 2. Do NOT post any [individual IDs](https://help.eliteportal.org/help/glossary#Glossary-IndividualID) or [specimen IDs](https://help.eliteportal.org/help/glossary#Glossary-SpecimenID) in the forum. While all donor IDs are de-identified, there may be a few cohorts that request IDs are only provided under controlled access. As a precaution, we recommend that individualIDs and specimenIDs are not posted in the forum.

Created by Milan Vu milan.vu

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